| 1 | 1. | Minutes | Resolution | Minutes from the Regular Commission Meeting of August 21, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | Temp. Reso. No. 7013, Adopting the Fiscal Year 2020 Schedule of Proposed Fee changes for Programs, Facilities, and Services setting forth all rates, fees, and other charges of the City; Approving the proposed new fees and amendments of certain existing fe | Resolution | Temp. Reso. #R7013 adopting the Fiscal Year 2020 Schedule of Proposed Fee changes for Programs, Facilities, and Services setting forth all rates, fees, and other charges of the City; approving the proposed new fees and amendment of certain existing fees and charges. (Financial Services Director Kevin E. Adderley and Financial Services Administrator Winsome Freeman) | | |
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| 1 | 3. | R7015 NAPA Auto Parts Store Services | Resolution | Temp. Reso. #R7015 approving an agreement for contractor operated parts store services with Genuine Parts Company D/B/A NAPA Auto Parts in the annual amount of $585,000, commencing October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2021; utilizing the Hernando County Contract No. 14-R00095. (Public Works Director Anthony Collins) | | |
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| 1 | 4. | Grounds Full Maintenance Services | Resolution | Temp. Reso. #R7019 approving the award of Invitation for Bid No. 19-012, entitled “Grounds Full Maintenance Services” to Brightview Landscape Services, Inc, to perform complete maintenance work, park operations and field turf maintenance for Forzano Park and Silver Lakes Sports Complex and field turf maintenance for Ansin Sports Complex and Vizcaya Park, in an amount not-to-exceed $371,200. (Parks & Recreation Administrator Billy Neal and Procurement Director Alicia Ayum) | | |
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| 1 | 5. | Landscaping, Irrigation Maintenance & Litter Control Services | Resolution | Temp. Reso. #R7021 approving the award of Invitation for Bid No. 19-010, entitled “Landscaping, Irrigation Maintenance & Litter Control Services” to Dynaserve Florida, LLC, to perform landscape maintenance work for various City parks in an amount not-to-exceed $95,997. (Parks & Recreation Administrator Billy Neal and Procurement Director Alicia Ayum) | | |
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| 1 | 6. | R7031 CPP | Resolution | Temp. Reso. #R7031 approving a Comprehensive Pay Plan for unrepresented employees for the period beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. (Human Resources Director Randy Cross) | | |
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| 2 | 7. | Art in Public Places Program | Ordinance | SECOND READING of Temp. Ord. #O1728 amending the Land Development Code of the City of Miramar, pursuant to Section 302 of said Land Development Code and Section 166.041(3)(A), F.S.; more specifically by amending Chapter 3, entitled “Processes,” to add a new Section 324 to be entitled, “Public Art,” prescribing a Citywide Program for the inclusion of public art into public and private development, creating a Public Art Fund consisting of all public art assessment collected pursuant to the Program, and providing for the future adoption of a Public Art Master Plan to better leverage the power of art to visually enliven the City and stimulate economic prosperity; and Chapter 7, entitled “Use Regulations,” at Section 715, entitled “Transit Oriented Corridor District Code,” to delete and repeal Sub-section 715.3.4, entitled, “Public Art and Amenities;” making findings; providing for repeal; providing for severability; providing for correction of scrivener’s errors; providing for codification; and providing for an effective date. (Passed 1st Reading on 09/04/19) (Continued from the meeti | | |
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